
Gardening Tips #1

Peas- Remember to keep up with harvesting. Picking encourages the pea plants to keep producing. And soon it will be too hot for them so they will shut down.

Successive sowing- Beans of all types( string, limas, bush, pole) should be sowed successively. Cukes and Zukes too. Also sow heat tolerant lettuce types like romaine and dark leaf varieties.

Feed - Use foliar feeds like diluted seaweed/ fish emulsion for all plants, best in afternoon. Apply to tomato plants around the drip line where the roots are (away from stems), not on leaves. Or feed with (aged) manure/compost tea around  the drip line. Don’t skip the peppers, they are heavy feeders.

Garlic -  finish harvesting scapes and don’t water or feed plants. Harvest in mid July.

Weed, weed, weed. Compost ‘em if they haven’t set seed yet(after flowering). Or feed to your .

Water in early mornings. Slow and long. Keep the soil moist enough so it can easily absorb any rainfall, which is really really needed. Summer is heating up.

And visit the ECI Seed Library if you need more seeds.

Happy gardening and munching.

Maribeth Fuchs

Daphne Shuttleworth