Foster House

Foster House

For the past three years my wife Anne, daughter Mia, son Michael, and I conducted a cultural experiment in a wonderful old house that is layered with history. The house was originally built as part of a farmstead by a man with the last name Foster, and what has for a time served as our home literally fostered our experiment of creating and nourishing the Ecological Culture Initiative. 

Like all else around us, our lives as founders of the Ecological Culture Initiative have evolved and our relationship to the beautiful structure that served as our home and office has changed also in ways that make it necessary for us to move away and hand off the leadership of ECI to others…

Crawling out on a Rocky Point

Having always believed that change begins at home, I developed for myself a set of guidelines for living into the landscape. I then worked to bring my concerns to the community and its leaders, pursuing this work full time for the past two years. I can’t really tell if my work and the work of an incredible group of staff and volunteers who labor beside me has had any meaningful effect, but I do know my life here is unsustainable emotionally and financially, and I must move on. 

On Kincentric Awareness: a child's encounter with nature

As a youth I had the good fortune of spending countless hours exploring a large abandoned estate behind my childhood home. I would investigate each crevice in every tree, look under every rock, search every inch of every stream, saying hello to each amphibian, crustacean, insect, mammal, or reptile I found and follow birds on the wing with my eyes.

Summer 2017 with the Ecological Culture Initiative

The serendipitous opportunity to work with a beloved professor, Marc Fasanella, in the early stages of his non-profit, brought me out to the beautiful town of Hampton Bays on Long Island, NY. Marc founded the Ecological Culture Initiative (ECI) to create a sense of place and culture of community engagement with the local ecosystem through advocacy, education, and local action.